Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday- Boring

Wow, I’m so completely sorry for not updating. I’ve been asleep for what seems like days now. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but I think I should see a doctor. I’ve never been this tired in my life, so I hope I’m not catching any sort of flu.

However, I have been up for short periods of time to do a few things:

1. I 1. I must’ve watched Donnie Darko five times in the past two days. I saw it a long, long time ago, and I was too young to understand it then. I love how complex it is, and how every little detail is significant in some way. If you haven’t seen it, rent it.

2. I 2. I started knitting again. I had to re-learn how, but it was worth it. It’s really a terrific way to calm nerves. Especially when you have midterms in two days.

3 3. I studied. I have a science midterm Tuesday, and I’m not looking forward to that one.

Tomorrow I’m heading out to Staples as soon as it opens to get my new school things, and a few blank CD’s. My friend’s been asking me to recommend music to her, so I figured to just make her a mix tape! Then I’ll go to Michaels perhaps to stock up on art supplies so I can make crafty, witty things when my exams are through.

I pushed aside my school work Friday and started some strange design. A friend of mine was begging me to put it up, so I will at the bottom.

Oh, and I need to squeeze in one more viewing of Donnie Darko before bed, so farewell!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen it yet but it has been on my Netflix list for months!!! I will defeintly move it to the top of the list. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog :)
